Norden Mangement Mission & Vision Statements


One thing was clear from the beginning, we could not be anyone’s north if we did not know our own north before.

Know your North. To become the North of our clients.

That’s why we chose to call ourselves Norden.

In this first blog post we want to explain what Norden Management is, our guidelines, what we do, how we do it and mainly why we do it.

We are not the first Project Management firm. We will not be the last. But we have tried to have clear lines of action that differentiate us, focusing a lot on what we really know how to do, managing luxury villa projects, making it different and above all adding value in each of the phases of the project.

Before we begin, we would like to clarify some concepts:

  • The mission statement refers to the core values of the company, what it does and how it does it. The What and How
  • The vision statement describes the ambitions and challenges the company intends to face in the future. The Why.


Norden Management is a boutique project management firm specialized in luxury villas. We focus on giving the client the best project experience throughout its life cycle not only at the villa handover.  We eliminate all the friction involved in building a home in a foreign country.  NORDEN METHODOLOGY, SOUTHERN LIFESTYLE

  • We lead the project and define each step, what needs to be done when.
  • We add value at every stage thanks to accumulated market, product and process knowledge.
  • We are independent of any other agent of the project.
  • We make a correct allocation of resources to the project; our fees are not a percentage of the cost of the project but are calculated based on the dedication that the project and the client require. We are always there for the client; we are a boutique service.
  • We are on top of with every single step of the process, we follow the methodology of the Project Management Institute
  • We offer the client total access to project information at any time and from anywhere so that their decision making is as informed as possible.

Some notes to give context:

  • After many years designing in the luxury villa market, we have seen many times that a bad process or a poorly managed process ruins a good product. Dissatisfied customers despite the fact that the product delivered is of high quality. The experience of the project process has not been satisfactory and therefore the final perception of the client is not positive.
  • We must focus on the customer experience throughout the lifecycle not just at the building handover.
  • We put special focus on communication management and how information is available and accessed, between the different agents of the project, but above all for the client. We believe that the client must have transparent access to all information so that decisions made can be based on reliable information.
  • We cannot do any of the above if we are not clearly independent of the rest of the participants.
  • The formation of the team is often a large part of success, and the team must be formed taking the whole process into account, carefully choosing the level of professionals, defining roles and responsibilities, stipulating what is delivered, when it needs to be delivered and how it must be delivered.
  • There is an obvious need for the figure of the Project Manager in luxury residential projects, the value that the Project Manager brings throughout the process is usually poorly communicated. Contrary to what you may think, the complexity of these projects is high and the client is usually absent, therefore not impartially represented. The complexity of these projects ranges from the choice of the architectural firm to the drafting of construction contracts.


  • Norden Management aims to become the reference brand of project management for foreign investors in the luxury residential market in Ibiza based on offering the best possible customer experience in the construction process of your luxury villa.

Notes for context:

  • Most clients, when thinking about launching a project of this type, segment the process and look for the best possible professionals… The best agent, the best architect, the best interior designer and the best builder. They work with the parts, but the sum of the best parts does not ensure the best result if there is no proper functioning between the parts. Each of these parties defends their interests by thinking that they defend the best for the client, but most of the time this is not the case because they approach the project from partial perspectives, not from the globality. We intend to be the first step that the client takes when launching their luxury residential project.
  • Norden Management must be the customer’s north, thinking of us before the parts. We will bring together the parties, we will work with them as a cohesive team towards a common goal, which should always be the best possible project and product.
  • We want to be a BRAND, a way of doing and being recognizable. We want to be our client’s North.

If you want to know more about us,

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or look at us at

We the North

Tell us what you have in mind and we will find the best way to achieve it: